Saturday, January 19, 2013


January is the month with a punch in the upper Midwest. I salute the cold weather warriors whose professions require gearing up each day with long underwear, Carhartt coveralls and heavy duty boots. I confess that my job demands only the usual amount of outer clothing for survival so I am able to watch the world of wintery weather through my living room window and the windshield of my car. Nevertheless, January inspires a sense of camaraderie as we take the weather hand that we are dealt and make the best of it.

January can rage with tempestuous winds and temperatures that cause the mercury to plummet in a matter of minutes. The cold, dry air can burn unprotected skin and damage one’s extremities. Sometimes the snow comes in by the bucket loads. Other times it fluffs its way down with a mere dusting.  January can also sneak in a few days of balmy (30’s) temps that kiss the ground with a hint of spring. And as quickly as a warm day arrives, so does the return of another Arctic blast reminding us to keep our winter coats zipped up and our gloves handy.

There are unmistakable sounds to January, as well. When the weather gets really cold, the car doors creak with an almost earsplitting slice into the air. The sound of ice scrapers being used on windshields indicates the type of precipitation we’ve received. If the scraper is making fluffy, sluffy sounds, we’ve received a dry, pillowy kind of snow. A scritchy, scratchy sound indicates that we've had a wet snow/rain combination that has created an ice pond on the glass. If it’s the sound of the windshield wipers only, we’ve had just a snow dusting and we will be on our way with barely a pause.
Naked trees and shrubbery are also a part of the landscape in January. Bird nests are clearly visible and longing for the return of their former homeowners. A few lone ravens perch on the branches of the barren monuments as they claim exclusive rights to their territory. The snow is gathered on the branches and occasionally fluffs off, creating a snow globe effect when the wind breezes its way through.

January requires planning ahead and always having a Plan B. Coats and gloves must be donned and cars need to be started to warm up. Winter survival kits need to be packed into the vehicle even if the departure day is sunny and bright. Cell phones need to be fully charged. Weather forecasts and alerts are carefully monitored. School kids expectantly watch the television screen for an announcement of their favorite holiday, the snow day. Driveways need to be shoveled and shoveled again after the snow plow has gone by.

Probably the best part of January is that it is approximately 300 days away from the next holiday hype season. We can all breathe a sigh of relief and throw out the last of the cheese balls and cookie trays. Households fall back into the rhythm of daily living. Some folks begin searching for a tropical getaway vacation package deal. Others, like me, are content to make a pot of soup, brew some tea and enjoy the sights and sounds of January.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


A recent trend in many newspapers and magazines is a section called “by the numbers.” I’m not sure why that particular feature is used so frequently. Perhaps it is our need to quantify information and follow trends. I think it might be because we like to read short bytes of information rather than analyze lengthy expository writing. Whatever the case may be, I’m going to jump on the integers band wagon and share my numbers from the year 2012. For my mathy friends, please note that I am rounding generously and most of my data will probably not hold up under court investigation.

720—pots of coffee were made by my hands this past year. My early morning habit prompts me to make coffee wherever I go…home, school, church, hotel rooms and homes in need of a pot of coffee. No lattes, frappes or frou frou drinks. Just keep it black and hot.

290—crossword puzzles. There is nothing more relaxing than a sharp pencil, a crossword puzzle and a good dictionary. I like the semi-simple ones that take a moderate amount of thinking. I’m in the zone for completion, not frustration.

240—students. Over a year’s time, I am required to learn the names, temperaments, and skill levels of a diverse population. No small task for this aging brain. Current monikers make it even more daunting with their creative spellings.  Let’s just say I miss Bob and Nancy.

210—games of Spider Solitaire. No excuse for that statistic. Sometimes one needs a mindless diversion that demands nothing more than the click of a mouse. I especially love the fireworks at the end of the game when I win.

75—workout hours with Leslie Sansone and Denise Austin DVDs. That translates to 270,000 seconds of mind numbing monotony. I’m ashamed to say that I mock both of them throughout my workouts. I do not understand their belief that workouts are fast and fun. Reading a book makes time fly for me, not leg squats with a purple stretchy band.

46—Prairie Home Companion shows. My happy place is from 5:00-7:00 on Saturday evening with Mr. Keillor and his music, stories and life at Lake Wobegon. I’m not sure how many more years Garrison has in him so I cherish each season as though it may be his last.

12—cheesecakes were made last year. My husband would say that that is not nearly enough. My waistline would disagree.

1—wish for you.   Happy New Year and God's blessings to you!