‘Tis the season for candy. This week, little munchkins and gnomes will surge through neighborhoods like the radula of a snail, scraping away at bits and pieces of sweetness. Candy buckets will brim with everything chocolate and chewy. Parents will do their best to mete out the sugary loot and the children will tumble into bed with full bellies and visions of sugar babies dancing in their heads.
Walking down the candy aisles this week, I was struck by the abundance of choices. Of course, I was unable to find the kind of candy I needed for a school activity, but that just reminds me why I don’t buy lottery tickets. I also became a bit nostalgic as I gazed upon the sweet surplus.
Given that my candy intake as a kid was rather limited due to my family’s frugality and not being allowed to trick-or-treat (Happy Reformation Day to my sibs), there were times when a sweet treat found its way to my pocket. We had candy with names like Black Jack gum, Cloves gum, Bit-O-Honey and Necco wafers. We nibbled on semi-sweet candy necklaces and chewed on something called Wax Bottles with Fruit Juice (don’t know what was worse, chewing on the wax or the faux juice squirt inside.) We also had (if you are under 50, stop reading now) candy cigarettes and bubble gum cigars. But I think my favorite of all was the Lifesaver.
My dad always had a roll of Lifesavers in his pocket for church. Usually it was Wint-O-Green flavor but occasionally it was the classic five flavors variety. As the package was passed along the row of children in the pew, each one of us hoped our favorite flavor would be the next candy in the package. We were not children of entitlement so we accepted our fate in the five flavors lotto. I always hoped for orange, but usually got green.
When I was first married a thousand years ago, I enjoyed reading a magazine feature called Lifesavours. It was a list of little moments of sweetness that just come our way. Here is a list of a few of my Lifesavours:
· Butter
· New box of crayons
· Orange streaked prairie sunset
· Pink streaked prairie sunrise
· Hot cup of coffee with a Bible devotional
· Cheese
· The Lives of the Cowboys on the Prairie Home Companion Show
· Delicious vocabulary
· Badger Clark poems
· Plaid
· Crossword puzzle with a sharp pencil
· Researching trips out of town
· Bacon
· Raincoat with a hood
· Elastic
I hope you experience your favorite flavor Lifesavour this week.