Saturday, November 9, 2013


There is a serene promise that comes with a sunrise. In the early morning glow of the soft velvety light, we have a sneak peek into the possibilities that are ours for the taking. No matter how long or dark or harsh the night hours are, a new day is kissed with the hope of better things to come. Yes, I love sunrises. Not the kind where I hike to the top of some plateau in Namibia and wait for a burst of solar epicness to appear before me. I'm more in love with that moment of the day when it is just me, my cup of coffee and the gentle washing of light sneaking in through the window panes.

The winter hours are best. There is plenty of time to have the coffee made and  all senses firing before dawn releases its first hiccup of light. The birds join me in revelry as they gossip away about the latest happenings in birdland. A few ravens announce their presence with piercing caws and fly-bys. Service trucks and buses rumble into action. Folks blearily grab newspapers off their front steps and dogs of all sizes tug at their leashes while their owners (servants) gingerly follow behind.

Sunrises on vacation are certainly the easiest to behold and savor. The start of a new day among the Ponderosa pines begins with the sprinkling of light filtering its way in with muted color palettes. Sunrises over the ocean glisten off the incoming waves with reflected contortions. Lakes provide the perfect mirror for a double exposure of light popping forth. Mountains play peek-a-boo with the first light of day while wide open prairies give ostentatious views of the action on the horizon.

My most memorable sunrise, however, did not happen in any place exotic or particularly notable. It was on a Saturday morning in the parking lot of my local grocery store. I like to finish my weekly grocery shopping trip before the rest of the city wakes up. That means I am meandering down the bread aisle visiting with the delivery folks before the break of day. One particular morning, I exited the grocery store and was immediately greeted by an array of color tones that I believe are impossible to create by human hands. The colors enshrouded the car wash across the street, changing the ubiquitous building into a work of art. The swirl of radiance was jaw-droppingly glorious and challenging to the senses. I stopped for a moment and inhaled the beauty of the moment, thanking my Creator for such a wondrous gift during such a mundane task.

Life is funny that way. We bump along through our everyday tasks, doing whatever is on our to-do lists and then suddenly, without warning, we are greeted with the light of newness. Sometimes it happens in bursts of grandeur, but more often than not, it slips in through our windows with unpretentious potential, reminding us that it's okay to let the darkness go for awhile.

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