Saturday, October 15, 2016


One of the largest retail centers in our area made a breaking news announcement this past week. The Mall of America is keeping its doors closed on Thanksgiving Day. No more pre-Black Friday sales and no more cars circling the parking lot before the turkey has grown cold on the table. I am not naive enough to believe no retail sales will happen for the Mall on turkey day. Internet enticements will drip into the veins of the hard core bargain addicts, no matter what day it is. What is encouraging, however, is that one retail center decided to take a stand against the madness and allow the majority of its workers a chance to spend time with family, friends or self. Whether they are eating yams, curry or pho, matters not. A break before the oncoming holiday crush is good for the soul.

I understand the need for health care providers and public safety workers to work on holidays. Lives are at stake in their world (thank you for your service, by the way). But, being required to work so someone can purchase a six-pack of soda for half price or an electronic gizmo at near cost is baffling and quite frankly, embarrassing. The word Thanksgiving implies being grateful for the blessings you have been given, not the ones you feel compelled to purchase. Standing in line like vultures taking turns with carrion sends a message of greed and excess.

Full disclosure, I am not a shopper. Thus, I find it easy to support the Mall's decision. I have friends and family, however, who enjoy holiday shopping as a family outing. Not my cup of tea, but not a problem for me, either, as long as the shopping does not force retail workers to work excessive hours. I am also aware that some retailers offer their workers extra pay on holidays. How about this: give everyone a raise for their service every day and assure them that they will get a few holidays off. Workplace contentedness is priceless.

Undoubtedly, I have lost thousands of dollars in retail savings opportunities over the years. It is also a given that I will never have a retail entity reach out to me for help in hawking their wares via my blog (you're welcome). But, I don't think my quality of life has suffered. Yes, I am writing this blog on an aging Chromebook with a big chip gouged out of its side and a cord that needs just the right amount of finesse to stay charging. Yes, the couch I am sitting on is a bit of a sad sack. And, no I don't own a phone that is very smart. Despite my lack of worldly goods, I have been able to keep a job (thank you, co-workers), maintain a family and bake a mean cheesecake.

I can feel the upcoming holidays in my bones and see them in the aisles already. And, obviously, I am getting a bit cranky at the thought.  But, one thing will remain the same. I am staying home for Thanksgiving. And Black Friday. And most days. Sorry in advance to anyone expecting the perfect gift from me. Will a cheesecake do?


  1. Yes! I'm drooling over that cheesecake picture.
    *gah* *swoon* 😉

  2. Replies
    1. I will have to add it to our team agenda one of these days :-)
