Saturday, November 25, 2017

'Tis the Season

Here we go, folks. The season of madness is upon us. Frankly, the countdown to Christmas seems to start the day after Labor Day as retailers chomp at the bit to start their holiday playlists and hang the garlands. Officially, we are now in full swing with Black Friday "finished" and inboxes filled with the latest can't-miss offers.

I will spare you another scroogish post despite the temptation to do so. I also promised my daughter I wouldn't hang up another picture of a Christmas tree and call it good. Therefore, I will clean up my act a bit and focus on a few things that are good during this season.

Holiday foods are always a favorite. This is not the time to listen to beleaguered dietitians touting ways to stave off overeating (eating celery before going to a party, really?). We don't need to indulge until we groan in despair but there are delicacies that make rare appearances during this season and one must take advantage of such goodness. Fancy cookies, this and thats covered in almond bark or chocolate, peppermint ice cream and a host of traditional family dishes lead the pack for indulging. January will arrive soon enough and we need to be prepared.

Traditions are family specific and can be enjoyed for many years. A pot of wild rice soup on Christmas eve is one of our rituals. The earthy smell of mushrooms mixed with wild rice and aromatic veggies is a welcome fragrance when returning home from a Christmas eve service. Adding a cup of cream to the broth amps up the taste-o-meter, for sure. After the last drop is slurped and the dishes are loaded in the dishwasher, gifts are exchanged. My packages are wrapped in last year's post-season discounted paper (who doesn't love blue penguins?) and sans bows. Spending money on something that will be trashed almost instantly is not in my DNA.

Christmas lights are charming when used correctly. Simple strings of white lights add a soft glow to whatever they are adorning. Old fashioned Christmas bulbs give a nostalgic pop to a tree or window frame. That being said, less is more. The gaudy glow of blow-up Santas and the frenetic flashing of over zealous decorating is a lesson in excess. And for the love of Pete, Christmas lights should be taken down before Valentine's day.

It goes without saying that holidays are about families. Over the years, my family gatherings have morphed from large gatherings with three generations mingling, eating, laughing and playing games to smaller groups with more subdued pursuits. The sign of a healthy family is being able to roll with the circumstances. We have enough pressure in our daily doings without adding holiday perfectionism to the list. Enjoy the people who you are with and let the unreasonable demands go.

I hope your holiday season is going well so far. Eat some favorite goodies. Have coffee with a friend. Read a good book. Bundle up and take a walk. Hang a string of lights if you wish. And stay focused on what is important.


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