Saturday, October 13, 2012



For those of us who adore the season of fall, now is a glorious time of year. Not only do we finally get to enjoy a reprieve from the gripping jaws of heat and humidity, we are also treated to sights that can only be described as splendorous. I can’t help but be stunned by trees clothed in golden and crimson glory. As the long afternoon rays of sunshine catch the branches of dazzling leaves, one can only pause and bathe in the beauty of such created goodness.

I do not live in a state known for majestic mountains and dense forests. Our state does not have waterfalls found at breath taking heights or ocean waves lapping upon seashell studded shorelines. We do, however, have wide open spaces that offer panoramic views filled with as much as the eye can drink in. The longer I live here, the more privileged I feel to have been born and raised in the midst of such splendor. Here are a few sights that continue to amaze me.

1) The horizon—Several years ago I went to New York City and had a fabulous time experiencing the sensations of such a mega city. It didn’t take long, however, for me to feel claustrophobic and penned up like a caged rabbit. I remember thinking how sad it would be to never see a sunset or a sunrise. I can’t imagine only seeing clouds that graze the top of skyscrapers. Plains people are able to watch the passing of clouds and experience the weather that so often accompanies the different cloud formations. The horizon also provides an unshuttered view of magnificent sunrises and sunsets. The colors of such glory defy description.

2)  Storms—Those who know me well will be surprised to see this one on my list. I’m an anxiety ridden wreck when I hear the rumble of thunder or the howling of a gale force wind. Nevertheless, a prairie storm is certainly something to behold. With our landlocked wide open spaces we are subject to winds that would be classified as hurricane force in many coastal states. As our precious trees bend and sway in the path of a storm and crops flatten toward the ground, prayers are sent up for mercy from hail and the vortex of a sudden tornado. There is a helpless splendor about such furies of weather than can only be experienced on the plains.

3) Amber Waves of Grain—For some, this is just a phrase in a song. For others, it is a reality based on the sights and sounds of a fall harvest. I am awestruck by the tenacity and perseverance of farmers who defy the odds of weather, weeds and weevils so that the world can be fed. A combine gliding across rows of summer’s accumulations is a glad sight, indeed.

4) Night Sky—If you’ve never looked at the sky on a clear evening in a place unencumbered by the residual lights of city dwellings, you are missing one of life’s sweet pleasures. The velvety backdrop is awash with flickering stars, gleaming planets and streaks of galaxy denizens. Occasionally, a glittering meteor races across the sparkling canvas, rivaling the splendor of a 4th of July display.

I certainly hope you are enjoying the fall season as much as I am. It matters not whether you are climbing the trails of mountaintops or sitting at your kitchen table with a hot cup of coffee. Splendor will always be in the eye of the beholder.


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