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(Warning: My photos will be more pathetic than usual due to an unfortunate incident with my sad little camera. I am using my semi-dumb phone in the meantime.) |
Living in the upper Midwest during the winter months means staying flexible with travel plans. Last weekend, we were looking forward to attending my nephew's out of town wedding. A personal day for me was requested and approved. A hotel room was booked. Sub plans were made. Anticipation of seeing my far-flung family was brewing. And then winter storm Decima huffed and puffed her way across the upper plains. We did as all mid-westerners do when a storm is imminent, check the weather, check the weather and check the weather again, The forecast was not good. The word "breezy" used by our weathermen is a bad sign. Air temperatures of 25 degrees below zero, also not so good. Add to the mix, several inches of downy snow and we have the trifecta of nasty travel. Slowly, I wrapped my head around the fact that we were not going to attend the wedding. The hotel room was cancelled. The suitcase was returned to its dusty shelf. Messages were sent to the wedding party regarding our disappointment. Plan B would be the plan. No wedding.
The good news is my college nieces were able to make their ten hour drive to our house before the storm hit. Their parents live in a different country so we are blessed to have them around when they need a place to hang out. Seeing their car pull into our driveway and watching them lug suitcases, piles of blankets and personal goods into the house took the sting out of Plan B. Hugs and relief for safe travels were shared as they wrestled their belongings into new spaces. Their glazed eyes and weary bodies made it clear they needed a good night's rest and some home cooked meals.
As I write this post on the day after their arrival, my heart is experiencing great peace. Niece #1 is tap-tap-tapping away on her laptop. She has two more papers to write and submit before midnight tonight (official end of the semester). I asked her if she does her best work when the wolf is at her door and she replied, "Yes, but you have to be careful. Sometimes the wolf eats you." Niece #2 is strumming away on her ukulele, experimenting with vocalizations and different chord patterns. Look out Don Ho!
The fragrance of cookies baking in the oven permeates the house in anticipation of Christmas treat trays to come. Quality control sampling is enjoyed. Okay, I confess, we are going a little beyond sampling. We will just adjust the size of our Christmas trays. Or bake some more. A hotdish made of meat, potatoes and carrots, affectionately dubbed "comfort casserole" by my nieces, awaits its turn in the baking chamber for a hearty evening meal.
A glance out the window confirms Decima's arrival. Fluffy flakes of snow drift and swirl as the winds whisper their blustery intentions. The downward march of the temperature reminds me the forecast of 25° below zero is quite probable. Birds flit in and out of my bird feeding station as they frantically gorge themselves in anticipation of things to come. A regal hawk swoops in and perches on the deck railing. His gaze confirms his place in the food chain. The little birds stay hidden until the coast is finally clear.
Whether you are experiencing Plan A, B or Z this holiday season, my wish for you is a very Merry Christmas! Eat cookies, drink tea and play the ukulele if you happen to find one handy.